Douglas Shoal – Coral reef remediation at a ship grounding site in the Great Barrier Reef

Douglas Shoal – Coral reef remediation at a ship grounding site in the Great Barrier Reef

Dr Paul Erftemeijer of DAMCO Consulting was contracted recently by Advisian Pty Ltd of the Worley Parsons Group to serve a technical supportive role in the planning of a large coral reef remediation project at Douglas Shoal in the Great Barrier Reef.

The overall goal of the Douglas Shoal Remediation Project is to conduct remediation activities to support natural recovery of the reef in an area of approximately 42 hectares of coral reef habitat damaged by the grounding of a fully loaded coal carrier (Shen Neng 1) in April 2010.

Map of grounding site 

This first phase of the project focuses on ‘Planning & Project Management’ and includes targeted site assessments, and a comprehensive feasibility & options analysis. The work will include a review and evaluation of available reef remediation approaches to select promising, relevant and most cost-effective methods for the project as well narrow down site-selection for follow-up trial and pilot approaches.

Paul’s role in the project included technical reviews and providing advice to the options analysis workshop. The project is managed by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and will run from 2018 to 2021.

For further information, see:

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